Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to Keep a Salad From Getting Unhealthy

How to Keep a Salad From Getting Unhealthy

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While there are plenty of ways to make salad, you are going to find that there are some that aren't healthy. The problem is that people will often add certain foods into them and this can result in our bodies taking in more fat and calories than actually benefiting from the vitamins and nutrients in the actual foods that are good for us.

Keeping in mind that some of these foods are better for us than others, it is important that you look at the options that you have and come up with a great salad that is going to leave your entire family satisfied and well nourished at the same time.

Perhaps one of the best foods to add to your salad to keep it healthy will be tomatoes. These are packed with antioxidants and even lycopene which is great for the heart and as well as the male prostate. Keep in mind that if you are looking for a healthy choice, these tomatoes are best when the vine is still attached prior to serving.

Another good choice for your salad is of course going to be a carrot. These are jammed packed with beta carotene. Along with this, you are going to find that lettuce is essential and it contains Vitamins C and K as well as chlorophyll. When you add those together and throw in some onions that have been proven to help prevent atherosclerosis, you can be sure that your salad is going to remain good for you.

In this process, you can even choose to add other items as well. This will include things like spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, squash, sugar snap peas, and the list goes on, all are good additions. What you need to keep in mind is that vegetables that have been washed and prepared properly are always going to be an excellent option. If you want to add some depth to the salad, you can get your protein from sunflower seeds, peanuts, pine nuts and even walnuts.

Now, when most people are making a salad they do great up until the point of salad dressings. Since this can actually ruin the salad that y ou are making, you will want to be sure that you consider the basics. A good idea is always to go with a little olive oil and even to mix in some vinegar in it. If you choose to go with more common choices, make sure that they are low in bad fats and contain little to no cholesterol at all. Along with that, you are going to want to be sure that they are not filled with a bunch of preservatives either.

Along with all this, consider that meats and cheeses tend to reduce the health factors of these salads as well. If you are looking for a health meal that is quick and easy, you can do it with natural vegetables, fruits and nuts. They will fill you and give you all the nutrition that you need. Best of all, they can be prepared in a fraction of the time that it would take to make a fully fried meal.

Rick Mongiovi shares his recipe for tomato salad recipe and more appetizer recipes for salads, fillings, cheese service and more on his site at Best-Made-Appetizers.com.

source: via web